Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Happy Birthday to the best man I know

I just got off the phone with my dad. This is the first time I have called someone while over here. It's his birthday so my mom gave me permission to spend the $1 for the minute long call.
It actually really made me upset. I do miss my family, but I haven't really been too affected by homesickness. Talking on the phone with him, though, made me realize how far I am and how long I have till I can see everyone again.
At least he was being his normal self and making me laugh. He told me to be careful with all the drinking and going out and to be responsible. He said to me "you're a Burnett." To which I responded "but I am half Olynyk, you know." "Thats what scares me" he said and laughed.

So Happy Birthday, Dad. I am sorry I can't be there to celebrate with you, but I will be sure to have a pint on you tonight. Ok, ok, a pint of Snapple on you.


  1. i like how you wrote ill have a drink on you, not for you. hahah is he paying for it?? hahah too cute miss you!
