Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Day 4: watching the sunset on the lake

After Memphis we took the 5 hour drive south to Lake Pontchartrain to camp before heading to New Orleans. 

Fontainebreu park was filled with trees covered in Spanish moss and it made me so excited for Savannah in a few days. It really makes you wonder what the south looked like pre-civil war. It must have been beautiful; not that it isn't today. Today, things are different. Trailers have replaced plantation homes and highways have paved their way over the beautiful landscape.

We set up camp and left the park to get some ice. On our way back, we stumbled upon something that would become a daily routine for the next three days. We found a drive-thru bar that served daquiris, margaritas, piña coladas, and hurricanes. Yes, alcoholic drinks to go. I heard about drinks to go online while researching all of the cities we were visiting, but I did not know there was a legitimate drive-thru window for frozen cocktails. So we each got one and brought it back to the tent. 

I missed camping. We tried to do it at least every other night on our last trip but weren't lucky enough this time around. This was our first of three nights camping on the trip. It was nice to live outdoors. 

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