Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Thank you

     Thank you to everyone who has followed me on this amazing journey. I appreciate your loyalty and interest more than anything else. I have over 3700 blog views (and counting!) over the past four months. This is more than I could have ever dreamed or hoped. I hope you enjoyed reading along, and I was giving good enough descriptions to allow you to picture yourself there with me. I found that I truly do enjoy travel writing; it is not just something I say I like but never do. Despite the blogs not being as well written as I hoped, I aimed to just give you, the reader, a general outlook and insight into my mind while abroad. I will miss writing about new places, but I may continue to write, just transform it in some way and use this as a platform for future ideas.
     I wrote my blog for my family and friends so they could see where I was when I was too busy to email or Skype. I had no idea that it would become as big as it did. I have views all over the world including China, Russia, Germany, Ukraine, and France. I appreciate the following and hope I made you proud.

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